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The Best Pool Games for Minnesota Summers

As the summer months approach, it’s time to start planning your poolside activities. While lounging poolside is always enjoyable, adding a few games to the mix can make for a more exciting and memorable experience. Here are some of the best pool games for Minnesota summers.

First up is the classic game of Marco Polo. This game is played with one person keeping their eyes closed and calling out “Marco”. The other players respond with “Polo” and the person with their eyes closed tries to tag one of the players based on their voice. It’s a great game for all ages and can be played in both shallow and deep ends of the pool.

Another popular pool game is Sharks and Minnows. This game involves one person acting as the shark and the other players as the minnows. The shark tries to tag the minnows, who are trying to make it from one end of the pool to the other without getting tagged. The last minnow standing becomes the next shark. This game is perfect for larger groups and can be played in any depth of the pool.

For a more relaxing game, consider playing a game of pool volleyball. This game involves setting up a net in the middle of the pool and playing volleyball with a beach ball. It’s a great way to get some exercise while enjoying the cool water on a hot summer day.

If you’re looking for a game that requires a bit more strategy, try playing a game of pool basketball. This game involves setting up a basketball hoop on the side of the pool and shooting baskets with a small ball. It’s a great way to work on your basketball skills while staying cool in the pool.

For younger children, consider playing a game of treasure hunt. This game involves throwing a number of small objects, such as coins or plastic toys, into the pool. Children then dive in and collect as many objects as they can find. The child with the most objects at the end of the game wins.

Finally, if you’re looking for a game that’s both fun and challenging, try playing a game of pool noodle jousting. This game involves two players sitting on pool noodles and trying to knock each other off using foam tubes. It’s a great way to engage in some friendly competition while cooling off in the pool.

In conclusion, there are plenty of pool games to enjoy during Minnesota summers. From classics like Marco Polo to more challenging games like pool noodle jousting, there’s something for everyone. So grab some friends, family, and some pool toys, and make the most of your poolside experience.

The Top Hot Tub Exercises for Minnesota Fitness Enthusiasts

Hot tubs are known for their relaxation and therapeutic benefits, but did you know that they can also be used for exercise? Hot tub exercises can help improve your flexibility, strengthen your muscles, and boost your overall fitness level. Here are some of the top hot tub exercises for Minnesota fitness enthusiasts:

  1. Leg lifts: Sit on the edge of your hot tub with your legs extended in front of you. Hold onto the sides of the tub for balance and lift one leg at a time, holding for a few seconds before switching sides. This exercise can help strengthen your leg muscles and improve your balance.

  2. Water walking: Walk in place in your hot tub, lifting your knees high and moving your arms back and forth. This exercise is a low-impact way to improve your cardiovascular fitness and burn calories.

  3. Arm circles: Sit with your back against the side of the hot tub and your arms extended to the sides. Make small circles with your arms, gradually increasing the size of the circles. This exercise can help improve your upper body strength and flexibility.

  4. Water lunges: Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your hands on your hips. Step forward with one foot and lower your back knee toward the floor, keeping your front knee directly over your ankle. Push through your front heel to stand up, then repeat on the other side. This exercise can help tone your leg muscles and improve your balance.

  5. Water yoga: Practicing yoga poses in a hot tub can help improve your flexibility and relaxation. Some great poses to try include seated spinal twists, forward folds, and hip-openers.

Before beginning any hot tub exercise routine, be sure to consult with your healthcare provider to ensure that it is safe for you. Additionally, be mindful of the water temperature and do not stay in the hot tub for too long, as overheating can be dangerous. With these precautions in mind, hot tub exercises can be a fun and effective way to improve your fitness and overall health.

Benefits of Automatic Pool Covers in Minnesota

As a pool owner in Minnesota, you know how important it is to protect your pool from the harsh winter weather. One way to do this is by investing in an automatic pool cover. Not only do automatic pool covers keep your pool safe during the winter months, but they also offer a range of other benefits. In this post, we’ll explore some of the key benefits of automatic pool covers in Minnesota.

First and foremost, automatic pool covers help keep your pool clean and free from debris. This is especially important during the fall and winter months when leaves and other debris can accumulate in your pool. An automatic pool cover will prevent this debris from getting into the water, reducing the amount of time and effort you need to spend cleaning your pool.

Another benefit of automatic pool covers is that they help maintain your pool’s temperature. In Minnesota, the winters can be harsh, and keeping your pool warm can be a challenge. Automatic pool covers can help retain the heat in your pool, reducing the need for additional heating systems. This, in turn, can help you save money on your energy bills.

Automatic pool covers also offer a safety benefit. If you have children or pets, an open pool can be a hazard. With an automatic pool cover, you can prevent unauthorized access to your pool. This is especially important during the winter months when the pool is not in use and there is no lifeguard on duty.

Additionally, automatic pool covers can extend the lifespan of your pool. By keeping debris out of the pool and reducing the amount of exposure to the elements, your pool will be less likely to suffer from wear and tear. This can help save you money on maintenance costs in the long run.

Automatic pool covers are also easy to use. With just the push of a button, you can open or close the cover, making it simple to manage your pool. This convenience can make owning a pool more enjoyable and less of a chore.

Finally, an automatic pool cover can increase the value of your home. If you decide to sell your home, having an automatic pool cover can be a selling point. Potential buyers will appreciate the added safety and convenience that an automatic pool cover provides, making your home more appealing.

In conclusion, automatic pool covers offer a range of benefits for pool owners in Minnesota. From keeping your pool clean and retaining heat to providing safety and convenience, an automatic pool cover is a smart investment for any pool owner.

What start up chemicals are needed for an 800gal hot tub in Minnesota?

If you have just purchased a hot tub for your Minnesota home, you will need to know what start-up chemicals are needed to keep the water clean and clear. Proper hot tub maintenance and chemical balance are essential for ensuring a safe and healthy soak. In this blog post, we will go over the essential start-up chemicals you will need for an 800-gallon hot tub in Minnesota.

  1. Chlorine or Bromine - Sanitizers The first step to starting up your hot tub is to sanitize the water. Chlorine or bromine are the most common sanitizers used in hot tubs. Chlorine is known for its ability to kill bacteria, viruses, and algae in the water. Bromine is known for its ability to dissolve slowly and provide long-lasting protection. Both of these chemicals will work well to keep your hot tub water safe and clean.

  2. pH Balancers The next step is to balance the pH levels in your hot tub. The pH level should be between 7.2-7.8 for optimal hot tub performance. High or low pH levels can cause irritation to the skin and eyes and can lead to damage to the hot tub components. Use pH increasers to raise the pH level and pH decreasers to lower the pH level as needed.

  3. Alkalinity Balancers Alkalinity is the measure of the water's ability to resist changes in pH. Proper alkalinity balance will prevent pH fluctuations and ensure that the pH balancers work effectively. Alkalinity levels should be between 80-120 ppm (parts per million). Use alkalinity increasers to raise the alkalinity level and alkalinity decreasers to lower it as needed.

  4. Calcium Hardness Balancers Calcium hardness is the measure of the amount of calcium in the water. The ideal calcium hardness level should be between 150-250 ppm. Low calcium hardness levels can cause corrosion of the hot tub components, while high levels can cause scaling. Use calcium increasers to raise the calcium hardness level and calcium decreasers to lower it as needed.

  5. Shock Treatment To start your hot tub with a fresh and clean slate, you will need to shock the water. Shock treatment oxidizes contaminants and clears the water. Use a non-chlorine shock or chlorine shock, depending on the sanitizer you choose to use.

Conclusion Proper hot tub maintenance and chemical balance are crucial for ensuring a safe and healthy hot tub experience. When starting up your hot tub for the first time, use the above essential start-up chemicals to keep the water clean and clear. Additionally, always follow the manufacturer's instructions and regularly test the chemical levels in the water to ensure they are within the recommended range.

The Top Pool Cleaning Tools for Minnesota Homeowners

If you're a Minnesota pool owner, you know how important it is to keep your pool clean and well-maintained. But with so many pool cleaning tools on the market, it can be overwhelming to know which ones are worth investing in. In this blog post, we'll highlight some of the top pool cleaning tools for Minnesota homeowners.

  1. Pool Skimmer: A pool skimmer is an essential tool for removing leaves, insects, and other debris from the surface of your pool. It typically consists of a long handle with a flat net attached to the end, allowing you to easily scoop up any unwanted materials floating on the water's surface.

  2. Pool Brush: A pool brush is another must-have tool for any pool owner. It's used to scrub the walls, floors, and steps of your pool to remove dirt and debris that may have settled there. You can choose from different types of brushes depending on your pool's surface material, such as nylon, stainless steel, or a combination of both.

  3. Pool Vacuum: While a pool skimmer and brush are great for surface cleaning, a pool vacuum is essential for deep cleaning. A pool vacuum can remove dirt and debris from the bottom of your pool, making it an important tool for maintaining a clean and healthy swimming environment.

  4. Algae Brush: If you have a persistent algae problem in your pool, you may want to invest in an algae brush. It has stiff bristles designed to scrub away stubborn algae buildup on your pool surfaces.

  5. Leaf Rake: In the fall, when the leaves start to fall off the trees, a leaf rake can come in handy. It's similar to a pool skimmer, but it has a larger surface area and is designed specifically to handle leaves.

  6. Tile Cleaner: If you have tile or other hard surfaces around your pool, you may want to invest in a tile cleaner. It's a specially formulated cleaner that can remove tough stains and grime from pool tiles and other surfaces.

  7. Water Testing Kit: Finally, a water testing kit is essential for ensuring your pool's water is balanced and safe to swim in. It can help you measure the pH, chlorine, and other important chemical levels in your pool, allowing you to make adjustments as needed to keep your pool in top condition.

In conclusion, these are some of the top pool cleaning tools for Minnesota homeowners. By investing in these tools, you can help keep your pool clean, healthy, and enjoyable all season long.